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  • Writer's pictureEmily Smith

Publishing and Projects

It's been a while since I've posted one of these, so I figured now is as good a time as any to do a quick run-down of the happenings on my end.

Good news: my short-story, Stolen By Black, has been accepted by Less Than Three Press! Within the next few months, I'll have more information on that, so make sure you stay on the lookout! Also, I'm considering beginning a monthly newsletter that'd be mailed out to subscribers for writing updates, etc. Would that be of interest to you guys?

As for upcoming projects, I'm working on edits to three different books: Disavowed, Intimately Inked, and Stardust and Steel. They'll be edited in that order. Once those edits are completed, they'll be sent off for publishing (hopefully). Also, for my Wattpad readers, you'll recognized Disavowed. It was published on my Wattpad profile for several years under the title, Less Than Perfect. I'll probably leave it on there for now, but within the next few weeks, I plan to delete the book. Eventually, Intimately Inked will also be removed. While I've been putting Stardust and Steel chapters out on Wattpad, I'm thinking of deleting it on there. F/F doesn't seem to perform as well as M/M on that site, which is a bit discouraging.

In the meantime, I'll still be writing for Artificial! Those updates won't start back up until September 3rd, since I'm still trying to get everything in order before the new semester begins.

So, that has been the update! If you want to stay super current, give my Facebook page a like or maybe follow my Tumblr! It's mostly fandom things, but I also occasionally post writing-related things on there.

Stay safe and sane, everyone! :)


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