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  • Writer's pictureEmily Smith

April 2019: I'm Back, Bitches ;)

Hey guys!

As I'm sure you saw in the title... I'M BACK!!!!!!

I've got a new job and a new place and significantly more time for writing than I've had in the last few months, which means I'm finally gonna finish a few of these WIPs I have running. It also means I'm finally going to get to start working on some of the other projects I've had planned for earlier this year, but had to keep putting off since I've been so busy.

So, with that being said, here's what I'm going to be focusing on (all subject to change, of course):

1: I'm finishing Of Puzzles And Pandemonium. It is the first on my list, because it's the beginning of a trilogy I'm super excited about and the sooner I get it finished, the sooner I can start focusing on the other books in the series... It's also just been sitting 3/4 of the way finished for wayyyyyy too long now.

2: Keep working on my short story Cinder. While I also intend for it to be the kick-off to a series, it won't be sequential. It'll follow different characters and scenarios from the same world.

3: Get around to finally writing a stand-alone novel that I've been talking about forever now. It's called Operation: Blackout. I haven't given a lot of information about it and still won't until it gets further into the works, but it's basically a fantasy/sci-fi novel with some very heavy BDSM elements.

4: EDIT! With all these fun projects I'm working on, I also have a backlog of stories a mile long that I still need to spruce up so I can send them off to publishers. You can check out the list of books I'm working on editing here! It also covers all of my other projects :)

In publishing news, The Curious Case of Cat and Cupid and Stardust and Steel are currently with editors at LT3 Press, which means I should be seeing those manuscripts again soon-ish. As for Stolen By Black, it's release date is set for June 18th! And, you can currently pre-order it for only $1.27! Go get it while it's on sale and make sure you have your copy!!!! :D

But, that's all for now! I'll be back next month with another update unless I get wild news or anything before then. Until then, have a fabulous last few days of April <3



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