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  • Writer's pictureEmily Smith

9/7/18 Update

With things changing up a bit, I thought I'd give you guys a rundown on my creative happenings. Updates will be slow for a bit on sites like Wattpad and Tapas. Classes have started back up and between work, internship, and extending my senior project, I barely have time to keep up with my update schedule, let alone build up the backlog so I can post more than once a week.

But, I am trying, so don't give up hope yet!

For those of you following my Tapas/Tablo profiles, you'll know that I have finished posting the draft of Stardust and Steel. That will come down by the end of the year so I can start looking to publish it.

My primary project right now is Of Puzzles And Pandemonium, which is the first book in the Artificial Trilogy. I have a small build up of chapters to get us week to week, even if I don't have time to write, I should still have something to post every Monday.

One of the other things I'm really focusing on right now is a short story called "The Curious Case of Cat and Cupid." I'm not posting it anywhere. Once I finish writing it, I'm going to edit it and send it off. My goal is to have it finished within a week--we'll have to see how that actually pans out, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

So, "The Curious Case of Cat and Cupid" will be finished, Of Puzzles and Pandemonium updates will hopefully be bumped up to twice a week, and Stardust and Steel will receive edits by the end of the year.

Thank you guys for all your support <3


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